Salut 2012!

If you drink do not drive – Si vous buvez de ne pas conduire.

6 replies
  1. Luis
    Luis says:

    Dear Francois,
    I met you at a club in London on New Years Day and asked, if I could take our picture taken. You were really nice and friendly and took time for a quick chat.
    I am a good looking guy myself, but I can imagine that you get a lot of attention in nightclubs and I just wanted to thank you for your time and for your great attitude.

  2. Luis
    Luis says:

    Dear Francois,
    I bumped into you in a club in London on New Years Day and you were really cool, when I asked, if I could get a picture taken of us.
    I can imagine that you get a lot of attention in night clubs, but you took time for a chat and were really nice and friendly.
    I was very impressed by this.

  3. françois gazou
    françois gazou says:

    salut françois
    je viens de poster sur le meme site mais je ne sais pas si ils t’arrivent en direct live ???
    en tout viens de decouvrir ce site super interessant mais ou suivre ton actualité ???


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