Titanmen Presents HARDWOOD
If you like your sex outside in the fresh air, you’ll love Hardwood: TitanMen in the Great Outdoors a collection of six of the best outdoor hardcore sex scenes from the TitanMen vault. Join TitanMen exclusives Francois Sagat, Dean Flynn and Dario Beck and many more as they suck and fuck in the Great Outdoors.
Now available for streaming and DRM-Free download as part of your Titanmen.com membership.
Also currently On Sale at the Titanmen DVD Store.
Check out the gallery after the jump…
I will be buying this Film!
Francois Sagat is moving up in the world. He is currently modeling for Lancôme in Paris. Lancôme stated sales are up due to Francois. Francois is currently filming Halloween 3D with Rob Zombie. Rob Zombie stated Francois is a gift from God! We are excited about Francois getting gay in Halloween 3D. Francois Sagat is currently developing Garden State Park in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. ( http://www.gardenstatepark.net ) It is his dream to run Cherry Hill, New Jersey better than before. Cindy Zelinki from Cherry Hill stated Francois helped her live in a time of death. Amanda Lepore stated Cherry Hill would be nothing without Francois Sagat! Francois Currently is bringing the Grand Lux Cafe into new states in the United States. Francois we love you and please run for president of the United States!
François Sagat est un mec sublime . Je le trouve personnellement le plus beau des acteurs porno gay . J’espère qu’il nous fera encore rêver dans de si bons films, nous, ceux qui l’aimons en silence .